Soul Weapons
Last Updated: 03 April 2024
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Soul Shards
Most boss monsters have a chance to drop soul shards. You need 10 of the same shard to exchange it to a boss soul, which can be attached onto weapons. Boss souls have different prefixes; "Augmented" souls are more powerful and give better effects.
Certain special items also produce soul shards.
Item Type
Soul Shard Synergy
Takes two Soul Shards and creates a new Soul Shard
Soul Extractor
Extracts five boss souls and creates up to 10 random Soul Shards
Making Soul Weapons
Weapons (Level 75+) need to be converted to a 'soul weapon' first before it can be attached with boss souls. There are two ways to make a soul weapon.
Method 1: Soul Enchanter
Click-and-drop a Soul Enchanter onto your equipped weapon. Soul Enchanters are occasionally dropped from monsters. The Entry version is available in the Dojo point shop.
Method 2: Legendary Spirit
Find Eurek the Alchemist and complete [The Wandering Alchemist Eurek's New Skill] quest. You will obtain the Legendary Spirit skill upon quest completion in your Beginner skills tab. Double-click the skill, place the weapon to be converted, followed by the Soul Enchanter.
You can revert a soul weapon to a regular one by speaking to the Unidentified Wizard in various towns and selecting the third option (I would like to get the Soul Weapon back as it was). This will remove the Soul Enchanter effects, along with any attached boss soul. You do not get the removed soul back.
Click-and-drop a boss soul on a soul weapon to attach it. To replace an existing boss soul and its effects, simply click-and-drop a new boss soul on the equipment (Augmented souls require a Level 100+ weapon).
Soul Gauge
Soul weapons display a default effect above your character. A soul gauge tracks how many monster souls have been collected. You can use a keyboard shortcut to access this gauge at anytime.
Monster souls can be collected by hunting any monster, and reaches a maximum of 1000 souls. An "empty" soul weapon (one with no boss soul attached) gives up to +10 WA/MA after collecting at least 501 souls. A soul weapon with a boss soul attached gives up to +20 WA/MA. Boss souls also give an additional stat boost and a skill that you can use in battle.
Summoning Boss Souls
You can summon boss souls once your soul gauge reaches a certain amount, represented by a visual change of the soul gauge effect. Use the keys indicated in the soul gauge or the soul skill in your Beginner skill window to summon the boss to fight beside you.
Boss soul attacks have two levels - the first is default, the second is obtained after collecting all prefixes for a specific boss in your Soul Collector. Augmented souls have different skills from other prefixed souls.
Soul Collector
You can access the Soul Collector through its button on the soul gauge interface. Each boss has their own page, where you can fill the slots using one of each prefix (including Augmented) belonging to that soul. Once all slots are filled in the page, you gain access to a hidden illustration, and unlock the second level of the boss' soul skill.
The full list of Soul Collector pages and illustrations can be found on the [Utilities - Boss Souls] page.